As promised, here are the pictures from my journey with black salve. Black salve is a herbal based treatment that has been around for thousands of years by use with Native American Indians. Black Salve is said to have anti-cancer properties. It has been known as an “escharotic”, which literally means, it creates an “eschar” (a piece of dead tissue). In cases of skin cancer treatment using the Black Salve, the belief is that the eschar is the dead tumor. After treatment, the eschar will be expelled by natural body processes over a short time (usually within 5 – 14 days even if the tumor is quite deep). So those who have been following me know that something like this is right up my alley. I didn't dive into this blind, I had some guidance from Dr Rau in Switzerland but since it was new to him I contacted Dr. Adrian Jones in Australia, who has a great amount of experience with black salve.
I captured as much as the journey as I could but i didn't get a picture every step of the way so I will do my best to explain whats going on. I started on December 10th and continued until about the end of January. The pics are all of my armpit.....according to my brother, the professional photographer, I took the pics too close up and it is not always clear what body part you are looking at. So if your armpit it is!!! Here goes......
Here is the original tumor/swollen lymph node...about the size of a golf ball.
another shot of the original tumor
Let the journey begin...... applying the black salve. Tingly feeling but not pain per say
Holy Sh*t!!! Its working!! An eschar (scab) is forming!! Note :this is like a day after first application |
The first "birth" of dead cancer...very exciting moment.
(about a 2 days after application) |
Same as above, just flipped on "dry" side |
Yup thats the tumor exposed...I just wanted to rip it out!! |
Chunk of dead cancer that came out |
Bits of cancer debris that literally just spewed out after I put some pressure on the site |
Lots of blood and draining |
After another application, things are a bit stuck |
Just three days after the above picture, amazing how fast it heals |
This is when the pain begins.......I was advised to put the salve on continuously to get the deep rooted tumor. As you can see from the picture it became very swollen and was trying to surface |
Pieces of dead cancer that came off the bandage |
Amazing how beautifully it heals after it is so raw and open |
I know!!! Nasty as all hell!! I dont have to explain how painful this was...the picture says it all. This is when the cancer was really surfacing and trying to break off |
And breaking off it is...... |
side profile.....the cancer separating from my skin |
Big chunk expelled. Mike put his hand to show size |
Other side of tumor, we call it the "oyster." LOL sorry if you like oysters and it ruins your appetite for them |
Healing pretty well, no more black on right side of down, one more to go |
The skin grows back within days...incredible. tumor still exposed. at this point i have dreams of myself cutting it out with a kitchen knife....luckily I didn't go insane enough to actually carry through. |
After another application, another bis piece fell off (didn't get a pic). Tumor is considerably smaller at this point. |
Healing, skin is pretty raw and inflamed. The thought of reapplying make me weak and nauseous. The tumor is stuck and tugging on lymph nodes underneath. According to Dr. Adrian Jones i would have to reapply everyday to get the root of this thing out. I'm very anti pain medication and the thought of having to take around the clock percocets doesn't sit right with me. Without pain medication there is no way i could survive despite my VERY high tolerance for pain.
The above picture is not the latest. The site looks very good with a very small black looking scab.
I'm very happy I used black salve and have no regrets. However due to the size and how deep rooted the tumor was it was pretty grueling. I would for sure use salve for a small lesion or tumor. I have my little container waiting just in case.
With much thought, research, consulting, and contemplation, I decided to go for surgery. The lymph node swollen underneath (that was new with the use of salve) freaked me out. However, the way it was explained to me by holistic docs and Fred was that the lymph system was backed up due to trying to get rid of this cancerous tissue. Due to the lymph being blocked the fluid was building up in my lymph system causing the lymph nodes to becomes inflamed (not necessarily cancerous). That definatly put my mind at ease. So anyways, yesterday I had whatever was effected taken out. Dr Beg agreed to just take out what was wreaking havoc and maintain as much tissue and mobility that he can. The surgery was in and out...took about three hours. I have a small drain to get rid of any excess blood. Tomorrow I will go to Dr. Beg and get the drain removed and a bandage change. Pathology reports in about a week to see what exactly were in those bastards.
Not that I want to jinx myself but I feel absolutely fine and like I didn't even have surgery. Yesterday was a fine day but I figured the anesthesia didn't wear off yet and the pain would come. However I'm still in no pain or discomfort, despite not taking a lick of medication. We had a nice day of watching movies and playing my favorite.....scrabble. Mike and I set up the bed with all the pillows to ensure I was upright and comfy but I wound up just sleeping normal all curled up. I had a great night sleep and woke up because I was feeling energetic. So I write some emails and texts and hit the sack again. Could it be that I feel more enegetic now that that dead tumor is no longer blocking my lymph system? If so that would be incredible! I woke up this morning and went to the gym because I had great energy. I figured it would be good to work out and get the lymph moving. I know I know.....dont worry ...I just did the bike and some leg presses. I am absolutely fine to even go back to work today but you could just imagine the whispers I get from my darling husband, parents, etc......"just rest, take it easy".... So I guess one day of that wont drive me too crazy. So tomorrow, or maybe even later, back to work I go.
Hopefully the salve pics didn't make you too weak and horrified.
Strength and peace,
You, my dear, are such a champ!!!!! Love u
Thanks for posting....will be interesting to see what biopsy /surgery report says. Where did you get the Black Salve? Hope you continue to heal well, will be following. All the best from Windermere Farm in Indiana
You're an inspiration as always :) love ya!!
Lisa, you're amazing and such an inspiration. Keep up that great attitude! xo
I know you probably heard this before but honestly there is no other way ariund it... You are the most amazing, strong, and inspiring woman i've ever had the pleasauare to meet. <3 xoxoxo <3
I am in awe of your spirit and drive--- amazing--- you are extremely special and I am so glad u posted pic. Keep it up - so impressed with the strength u have. U are not alone- we all love u
Wow-- you seriously rock. I so can't wait to read the good news that your black salve adventures killed that crazy tumor. You are one brave chick. Peace, love and healing!!
Oh my gosh, that is totally disgusting and amazing at the same time! I stood by my husband fighting melanoma for many years, and after losing him, still follow others in the fight. I feel so much relief and triumph to read of people fighting the beast and winning. This whole process sounds so amazing to me and I wish you great health!
Thanks alyss!!! Love you mamasita!!!
I will def keep my blog posted in the pathology results. I got the salve from Switzerland and then when I ran out I got it from an American website. Thanks for your support and for following!
Thanks Donna my love!!! Love u too!!!
Thanks Joni ( I think it's Joni). I appreciate your support! xo
I'm sorry u lost your husband to this malicious cancer. I thank you for your kind words and for continuing to follow other melanoma fighters. Peace and strength,
Hi Kate!! One brave chick I am!!! You have to be willing to do anything and everything in order to beat this sh*t!! I opted on surgery so the tumor is out and hopefully Im one step closer to remission. Thanks for your support and comments ! xo
Aww Christina thank you. You are so sweet and I appreciate your comment. Youre right ... I'm not alone... I'm so blessed to have such an incredible support system!
Such sweet words!! Thanks jimothy, you know me... I'm a fighter!! xo
Hi Lisa,
I just want to tell you how amazing you are & brave you are!You are beautiful Lisa, inside & out! God Bless you...Jen
After having talked to you about the Black Save I had to check out the photos. My God what an ordeal it truly must have been. I never saw you upset or bummed or even showing signs of pain. As I sit here with tears in my eyes I have to say that you are and always have been an amazing person! I'm glad the surgery went well and you're feeling well! Hopfully this will wind down for you soon. We all Love you very much and wish you the best. Hope to see you soon!
Love Uncle Frankie
Hi Lisa!
At first i wanted to see your pics while eating my fish porridge, but upon seeing your warning i decided to see after that. Hahaha...
Hey it didnt look as disgusting as i imagined, but i can totally imagine the pain u went through when its swollen n inflammed. My toe right now is pretty much the same, throbbing with pain. But unlike u, i took pain meds when i couldnt take it anymore. We gotta hang in there n fight on!!
You can consider Gerson's Therapy (vegetable & fruit juicing) as well. It helps to flush your body with electrolytes and alkaline your body.
Hi Jo! I'm glad you are trying the salve as your spot is not as deep as mine. I feel positive that it's going to work well for you. And please know that despite being anti pain mess I did take them. I wouldn't have been able to handle it if not. You are very right... We have no other option other than to hang in there and fight on! Garson is a great diet , although I don't follow it exactly, I do have an 80% vegetable diet and a green juice everyday. Plus very little processed foods... I stick to whole foods as much as possible.
I'm glad you are hanging in there so far. Keep me posted
Thanks Jen!!!!!! It's amazing the things we are willing to do to get our health back and move on! I'm fortunate to have all this amazing support!
Hi uncle frank!
Thanks for posting and following my blog! It was quite an ordeal looking back but when I was in the process I was just trucking through. It's true, very often my arm was throbbing and swollen as heck but I just put on my game face and tried to enjoy my surroundings. Believe me I had my days where I was out of commission but luckily they were seldom. I too hope this is soon winding down and mike and I and all those people so close to me can move on from these years of cancer.
I am so glad you had the surgery and you are feeling great. I'm thinking good thoughts for you all the time. You face your challenge head on and you inspire us all.
Love you!
Jane Andrews
Lisa - I know I have said it before, but you are amazing, such a trooper. Everything you have gone through and you still have a great attitude. You must really have a high tolerance for pain, I can't imagine that this could not have been painful. I hope and pray that you get good results from the surgery. As always, thinking of you and wishing you the best. Love ya ! Yvette
Hi Lisa,
Rock on with your awesomeness and determination to win! I have been through a less harrowing cancer road these past two years but found the following helpful after initial treatment ended:
* Lots of pancreatic enzymes (nutricology)
* Great diet, obviously
* Sunlight directly in my eyes, no glasses no contacts
* The book 'The Biology of Belief'
* Seeing Braco ( -- the best $3 and $8 I have ever spent)
I am also super-intrigued by Dr. Schulze and his hydrotherapy and herbal methods ( and, but haven't tried many of them.
Peace and love!
Thanks for great information you write it very clean. I am very lucky to get this tips from you.
Treatment for Melanoma
My family has been using a 2-salve escharotic salve (black salve) process for different things since 1986. I think our salves must be more potent because I've never seen so much effort needed to get a tumor right near the surface. One reason for using black salve is to kill the root, which is often very long and removing the tumor surgically without the root gives it the potential to regrow, just like a weed cut at the surface. It might be good to reapply a small amount of salve just to make certain there's nothing left there to react to, and with the bulk of the tumor gone, it should be a lot easier. Make certain that none of the scab roots break off. When the salve does it's job, they just rot away and release it. I know the pain can be bad, but people should know that isn't always the case. Unfortunately, doctors can be prosecuted for even writing a script to ease the pain of alternative treatments. My website has treatment photos for other family members but mine (thigh) is on the home page. Thank you for sharing your experience.
You're honestly lucky you're not dead and/or permanently scarred for life.
Hi, Lisa. I had posted on one of your pages about using an internal version of black. I tried it, but my cancer has spread so much that it was still beyond pain I could manage.
I wanted to update you, and let you know I've now switched to Protocel. It's internal, and the cancer started breaking down in a day and a half from when I started taking it. It just disintegrates. The only pain is as it's processing out through my lymph system. It's easier on me, and far less painful than black, and gets it everywhere. It's been 3 weeks and I'm already up and around again, and off pain meds. It's breaking up very quickly, and you can actually see the tissue coming out of your body--runny nose, bowl movements, and even through the pores. It's like egg whites.
I found a ton of info about it in "Outsmart Your Cancer". All the research, tons of testimonials, dosing instructions.
I hope you continue to get better.
Blessings and Peace,
You weren't pulling out cancer, those were the eschars (scabs). Also what you were calling cancer looks more like a bad case of folliculitis with some underlying lymphadenopathy. You should look up hydradenitis
If you knew anything about cancer, you'd know that a tumor must be excised without he capsule being disturbed in order to prevent cancer cells from scattering and entering the lymphatic system. You are an idiot and you will probably get lymphoma because of this. Plus, I am Native American and your claims of "Native American people using it for thousands of years" is frankly garbage. Many plants cause serious harm to people. We know that this is one of them, and we NEVER use or have used it...get your facts straight and also see a shrink.
If you want to slather harmful, flesh rotting poison you got from a sick, homicidal "holistic" con artist, on your wounds and tumors, that's your business. But when you cone online and endorse and recommend 0other people use it, you are comiting gross, incompetent negligence. Unfortunately, there are way to many stupid people out there that believe every half baked crackpot thing they read without thinking twice.
If you want to document your own suicidal experiment, that's fine. But you are crossing one hell of a god damn line when you recomend such harmful shit you clearly don't know a god damn thing about. Notice how that jar says "FOR ANIMAL USE ONLY"? Guess what? That shit isn't safe for animals either. Using that on anything is sick, cruel, inhumane torture.
Next time, for christs sake, go see a god damn MD, or at the very least a DO. Let holistic jackasses advise you on minor colds and sore throats. Leave the fucking cancer to professionals.
Finally, what the fuck is wrong with your worthless husband? How in his right mind did he think it was okay to let you do this to yourself? That in itself is even more disgusting than what you did, he should fucking ashamed.
I'm sorry if my words are harsh. I honestly feel like it was the only way to convey the incredible seriousness of them. I wish you the best of luck and pray you got lucky this time. If you are stupid enough to do anything but dispose of that vile shit, I think you will come to find out just how big of a mistake putting your life in the hands of brain dead, ignorant neglectful, scumbag "holistic" "doctor (REALLY?!?! YOU HAVE GOT TO BE FUCKING WITH ME.)" was.
If you want to slather harmful, flesh rotting poison you got from a sick, homicidal "holistic" con artist, on your wounds and tumors, that's your business. But when you cone online and endorse and recommend 0other people use it, you are comiting gross, incompetent negligence. Unfortunately, there are way to many stupid people out there that believe every half baked crackpot thing they read without thinking twice.
If you want to document your own suicidal experiment, that's fine. But you are crossing one hell of a god damn line when you recomend such harmful shit you clearly don't know a god damn thing about. Notice how that jar says "FOR ANIMAL USE ONLY"? Guess what? That shit isn't safe for animals either. Using that on anything is sick, cruel, inhumane torture.
Next time, for christs sake, go see a god damn MD, or at the very least a DO. Let holistic jackasses advise you on minor colds and sore throats. Leave the fucking cancer to professionals.
Finally, what the fuck is wrong with your worthless husband? How in his right mind did he think it was okay to let you do this to yourself? That in itself is even more disgusting than what you did, he should fucking ashamed.
I'm sorry if my words are harsh. I honestly feel like it was the only way to convey the incredible seriousness of them. I wish you the best of luck and pray you got lucky this time. If you are stupid enough to do anything but dispose of that vile shit, I think you will come to find out just how big of a mistake putting your life in the hands of brain dead, ignorant neglectful, scumbag "holistic" "doctor (REALLY?!?! YOU HAVE GOT TO BE FUCKING WITH ME.)" was.
Who is this schmuct^^^^^^^
Probably a pharmaci$t!! Or corporate drug pu$her..
with, obviously, way too much time on his hand$.
:( dreadful.
Hi I am so glad I saw your inspiring blog. How are you now?
Where can I find that brand? the website on the jar doesnt exist when i type it in.
Where can I find that brand? the website on the jar doesnt exist when i type it in.
Mish Mell please don't. This stuff is dangerous. And as a general rule DON'T take medical advice from random people on the internet.
I'm going through the same with one near my collar bone. Seeing this has given me hope that everything will be ok xxx
I'm going through the same with one near my collar bone. Seeing this has given me hope that everything will be ok xxx
It is 'interesting' because many of the black salve links have vanished. The small health food store where i lived carried black salve. I know this going to sound insane, but two men came in and told the owner that her black salve brand had been deemed dangerous and they removed it from the shelf. She then showed me a book full of success stories with pictures. Someone doesn't want the original black salve out there. Scarey stuff.
It is 'interesting' because many of the black salve links have vanished. The small health food store where i lived carried black salve. I know this going to sound insane, but two men came in and told the owner that her black salve brand had been deemed dangerous and they removed it from the shelf. She then showed me a book full of success stories with pictures. Someone doesn't want the original black salve out there. Scarey stuff.
Any chance of an update with a photo Kate?
Yes PLEASE!! Would like to see an updated pic if possible, but MOSTLY I'm curious as to the LAB RESULTS?!?!?!
pclvhpns said...
Yes PLEASE!! Would like to see an updated pic if possible, but MOSTLY I'm curious as to the LAB RESULTS?!?!?!
She probably died and can't post any follow-up pictures.
Do not use black salve ever again. It is a scam created by witch doctors. It is an acid that eats your skin.
You almost died from an infection. You are so lucky. Please consider this comment, even if you delete it.
I love humans, so don't fall prey.
Don't let liars turn you into a statistic.
This woman died a few days ago.
This salve is a scam
Do a search for "Lisa Amato Formato" for all the details.
Wow! thanks very much for your story it was an eye opener! here's another!
One thing I would like to say about black salve. I am a registered nurse & have used it for the last 5 yrs,when needed. If it is applied to non cancerous tissue, it will not burn or cause any harm. I have applied it many times to suspicious looking areas. The result was no reaction at all or at most slight inflammation. If the area or lesion is cancerous, it will begin to react within minutes. Personally, I believe applying daily is harsh & not necessary. Once cancer cell is dead, apply zeolight compress to draw the remains out. It will also aid in a speedy tissue recovery.
The black salve seeks out and kills the root only. The bodies immune system then kicks in to " get rid of" this forien material. The zeolight if applied will then complete the job of assisting the body to draw it out.
The other facts to consider is the diet which I won't cover. However, I highly recommend adding to your diet natural herbs that help boost the immune system. For more info on a very effective product or zeolight contact Christine scurry on face book
dianne G which university or college did you get your RN licence from? I wanna know so that the HHS can be aware that there is an institution out there giving licenses to unqualified persons.
Sue Lin, you being a bitch doesn't make her unqualified.
Hey Anon thinks black salve is poison,?!!? Lol but chemo isn't! Right. Please nobody listen to him he must work for big pharma and doesn't want people to find out safer, smarter ways to treat cancer. Sad very sad!
Where can i get the black salve with the green top, i know several people who used it and it works. Very important to follow directons it works i can not find it for sale.
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